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58 billion served.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

It’s both of my parent’s birthdays this week. Wow!

Hail, hail, the gang’s all here!
Singing happy birthday, happy happy birthday!
Hail, hail, the gang’s all here!
Wishing happy birthday to you!

I hope you have a happy day, and a healthy year.

Make sure you all check back with this post later. Let’s just say there might be some “audio” available, if you catch my drift.

Update: Well what do you know Joe, there’s an audio link at the top of this post. I wonder what that could be. (Vocals graciously provided by Shaun “Catfish” McGranahan and Natalie “Yang Yang” Marin-Sharp. Thanks a lot guys; it wouldn’t have been the same without you.)

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Tom & Daisy said:

This has been one of my nicest birthdays ever — when I have my family around. And now I know why you guys were late getting to Komasa. Thank you very much that was very good singing.
Love you all,

PS. Singing only a mother could love. hahaha

Mike McG said:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’m glad you liked the song; it’s an old favorite of ours. More importantly, I’m glad you enjoyed your birthday.


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