Who ordered the scrambled brains?

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Ok, finally, finished my linguistics paper! Now I can sleep! …For an hour. Oh what wonderful sleep awaits me. –Hey, guys, I’ll talk to all ya’ll later. Let’s just say I gotta see a bed about a sleep.

Read it and weep.

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nmarins said:

Aw man, I meant first post. So I guess this is second post. A second post to say first post.

Mike said:

Fist post? As repulsive as my writing may be, I don’t think punching your monitor is the right thing to do.

Anyway, I just re-read that essay and in response to the numerous grammatical and obvious stylistic mistakes, I just had to exclaim “Goodness Good God Lord Almighty King Savior! This essay is not good!” Proofreading, I believe, is a virtue. It ranks right up there with humility and eating whole wheat. In the terms an esteemed colleague of mine might use, reading that essay made me want to “Fist essay!”


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