Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Insightful and inciteful all in one.

Internet-based contact information discussion rages on like a California wildfire

WildfireThey all mocked me and asked me to take it somewhere else. The called it “cyber-babble” and called me lewd names! They accused me of libel!

But now we see my ranting and raving was justified!

There’s an interesting discussion and article on Slashdot about using the Internet to host your contact information, making a web address essentially synonymous with your name. And they too bring up the issue of namespace-collisions. See for yourself. And just you wait, in 10 years we’ll be referring to each other by electronically-palatable pseudonyms. Ay caramba!

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1 Comment

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Tara said:

blah, blah, blah, blecht, blah, blah…and blah blah


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