Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Up to the millisecond crap about Michael .

The scoop on San Mateo

Map: San Mateo, CaliforniaSan Mateo is a disgusting and vile city. If I had my way, as Governor I would have the city totally demolished. Or I would divert exorbitant sums of money into giant shovel research, and then have the entire city of San Mateo scooped up by a flying machine carrying a massive shovel which would then carry the heathens to the Sun and their ultimate demise.

Why all the fuss? Jigsaw. This company sucks a load of crap. They’re a direct marketing firm that, you know, sells your personal information to other companies so they can molest you like a–let’s skip the analogies. The thing that makes this company especially notorious is the way they build there database. Any Joe Shmoe can create an account and upload the personal information of their friends, family, neighbors, business contacts, clergymen, gardeners, arch-rivals, and so on, for one dollar a pop. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the company doesn’t provide a way for individuals to opt-out of their database. So, know anyone who’s just a little broke, just a little down on their luck, and just a little unscrupulous? Kill them now, while you still have your privacy.

To be honest, I think years of getting spam in my email has eroded my expectation of privacy. Which sucks. But actually I don’t really care if all the companies in the world have my street address and phone number. I lock my doors, and I screen my calls. What’s the worse they can do? I’ll admit, it sucks that cultural expectations of privacy are falling. The thing is, the ramifications could be terrible. A culture that doesn’t value privacy can creep slowly toward an Orwellian state. For example, such a culture might be more complacent towards a government that spies on it’s own citizens without oversight in the name of security. Yeah I know, hard to believe. I value privacy, but I just don’t expect it.

So Jigsaw has been quietly amassing their initial capital, and have received little press or public scrutiny. Take this recent response to an attempt I made to raise awareness about this wolf in sheep’s clothing. “Jigsaw? A new company? Who’s that? I’ll tell you one thing, I like their name. It’s cute and clever. Like my nephew, have you seen the latest pictures I have of him? Look at this one, here he’s flinging poop at the ice-cream man. And in this one, we’re showing him how to hunt deer! He’s so darn clever I’ll tell you. Where are you going? Wait don’t go! I have more! They’re really cute and clever! Come back here! Don’t get in your car! Why are you speeding away so fast? I have to show you these pictures! Do you want me to get in my car and follow you? Fine. Where are my keys? Here they are. I can only assume you’re taking me to a larger audience to whom I can show these pictures. Wait a minute. Why are you making a right on Main? Are you driving to the police department? Where are all these cops coming from? And why are they surrounding my car! Look officer, I just tried showing him these pictures. You might be interested yourself. What?! Your arresting me for harrassment? Ohhhh this really chaps my hide. I mean really seriously chaps them. Michael McGranahan, you better sleep with one eye open, ’cause I’m coming after you, punk! Your head is mine if it’s the last thing I do!”

Rather than continue risking life and limb, I am instead targeting the city of San Mateo. People know what San Mateo is, so it should be much easier to advocate about it. Just create a political party and I have all the infrastructure I need to spread lies. Once I build enough negative publicity, either the government of San Mateo will shut down Jigsaw, or we’ll have developed that flying-shovel machine I was talking about. (Donations accepted on About page.)

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.


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Shaun said:

“They’re a direct marketing firm that, you know, sells your personal information to other companies so they can molest you like a–let’s skip the analogies.”

… so they can molest you like an old cantakerous grizzly bear feasting on an overflowing jar of honey.

… so they can molest you like a crazy flea-infested hobo who plays a fiddle and puts all of the neighborhood kids into a trance and then molests them… and stuff.

… so they can molest you like a goose stewing in its own juices.

… so they can molest you like an old cantakerous grizzly bear stewing in its own juices.

Mike McG said:

Man you had to get me started.

… so they can molest you like a towering giant ripping you limb from limb.

… so they can molest you like a beligerent Greek god turning the forces of nature against you after he discovers he’s half goat.

… so they can molest you like a human-raised wildebeast playing a banjo for the Queen of England.

… so they can molest you like Pedro Pepper’s firehouse chili con carne special as it passes out of your system.

… so they can molest you like a priest meeting you in a Viagra shop. (!!!)

… so they can molest you like an H5N1-infected bird trying to crap on you as you enjoy a bologna sandwich in the park.

… so they can molest you like an H5N1-infected bird trying to crap on you as you’re trying to molest someone else in the park.

… so they can molest you like the bugs caused by a Windows DLL that is inexplicably and repeatedly un-registered.

… so they can molest you like the bugs you think are crawling all over you during heroin withdrawls.

… so they can molest you like the sound of George W. Bush’s voice as he tries to formulate a sentence.

… so they can molest you like a stranger innocently saying “Hey, how’s it going?”

… so they can molest you like an earthquake swallowing you into a huge abyss.

… so they can molest you like nightmares about crappy blog posts.


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