Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Also great when poached!

Blocvox has officially launched!

A few years ago, I was inspired by the posts I was reading on Facebook, on Twitter and on my friends’ blogs. It bothered me how difficult it was for great viewpoints to reach the larger audience they deserved–and how those who do have large audiences can be so out-of-touch (politicians) and sensationalistic (mainstream media). So I built a better discussion platform, that allows us ordinary folk to paint for ourselves a clear picture of the world. Blocvox officially launched over the weekend!

Blocvox amplifies your voice by letting you align with cultural groups and causes, who in turn cooperate to promote their viewpoints to the world. But this vision of democratic communication is missing one ingredient: passionate, outspoken people! If you’re sick of the disconnect between what you know and what those in power say–and if you believe that we’re responsible for fixing the way we communicate as a society, because no one will do it for us–then Sign Up! Use the site and let me know how to continue improving it. The community is small now, but with your help this simple website can turn into a movement!

See the official launch announcement on the Blocvox Blog. You can also check out an illustrated tour to get a quick overview of how Blocvox works.

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.

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