Who ordered the scrambled brains?

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Archive for November, 2011

Watched "Eyes Wide Shut" last night. Hands down, Kubrick makes the best damned Christmas movies. (P.S. great analysis:

“Sleep No More”: spellbinding! Like Lynch bought the Museum of Jurassic Tech. & turned it into a hotel. Highest recommendation. Thanks, Nat!

Oh boy I’m on a roll. “Magners: the beer with the mescal now-taste and the sour cream aftertaste.”

“Spaten: the German wheat beer with the beef taco aftertaste!”

another lean startup criticism by an entrepreneur-leader: "less is more" mantra excuses worthlessness; features ∝ value

GRPN is tanking! burn, baby, burn! #greed

wondering if kramer adopted gmail and google reader to add the new "comfortable" display density.

i love how people say "democracy isn’t working" but they keep voting the same damn idiots into office. go pat yourself on the back, america.

no clue who comprises the supercommittee. MSM should nix that stupid term & refer to them w/ all 12 names. #journalismfail #noaccountability

not sure if i can stand 10 more months of an iPhone Home button requiring 75psi to push. options: http://bit.ly/shadeU,