Who ordered the scrambled brains?

The voice of soothing calm.

Up to the minute stock reactions to iPad announcement

A simple correlation of Apple’s stock chart (AAPL) with the NYTimes live-blog of the announcement yields the following analysis.

1:00pm: AAPL trading around 204.6.
1:10pm: Image of the new device is shown and name is announced: iPad. Within 4 minutes, AAPL falls 2% to 200.43.
1:30pm: Features and specs are detailed. Within 10 minutes, AAPL rises 1.1% to about 202.8.
2:16pm: 3G connectivity and data rates are announced. Within 2 minutes, AAPL rises another 3% to 209.14.

Conclusion: Investors aren’t fond of the name, but they sure do like subscription models.

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