Who ordered the scrambled brains?

1994 Blog of the Year! (Albania Times)



Best perk of working at UCLA.

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Roshan said:

I would think the best perk of working at UCLA would be the the UCLA women. That’s why I clicked on this post in my RSS reader. Damn you Ladytron!

Mike McG said:

No way, it’s a no brainer–this concert owns UCLA women hands down. Amazing, and with such a small crowd. I feel lucky I even found out about it! (Thank you, MaggieMaggy!) And I got to touch the small of Helen’s back! And I swear she looked at me grooving along and smiled at me! SIIIIIIIIGH! (picture forthcoming) Hahahaha!

On the other hand… I did snag my exceptional girlfriend at UCLA, hehe. Overall though, UCLA women =~ insecure yet pretentious image-bots, like everywhere else. (Not that the guys are any better.)

Roshan said:

“Overall though, UCLA women =~ insecure yet pretentious image-bots, like everywhere else.”

Jesus, that sounds like the greatest university ever!

Natalie said:

No touching smalls of backs.

Marcus said:

I thought this post was regarding Microsoft backing some form of Linux. hehe


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