Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Fast your mind on this!


That is short for the common phrase “My Brother Is One Very Nice Man”. He decided to upgrade his recent computer purchase to include a 19″ LCD monitor, which he has given to me as an early birthday present. He didn’t need it, you see, as his deep pockets recently allowed him to purchase an ostentatiously huge 21″ digital LCD monitor. I know, “twenty-one inch”?! What a jerk, huh?

In other news, I commend (and do so once over, making it “recommend”) this dude for documenting his so-called “hybrid approach” to contract-first web service development in ASP.NET. I’m employing his strategy in my current project and it is miraculously dreamful. I actually got to see this dude speak at the .NET convention I went to in Vegas in June, and I’ll tell you, this dude is good. He spoke about the ins and outs of the unreleased .NET 3.0 then as well as he wrote about the ins and outs of the then-unreleased .NET 2.0 in this article from 2004. Thank you, this dude, for a dreamfully miraculous approach documenation.

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