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Giving Thanks in Highland Park

thanksgiving revelrySaturday night was one of revelry and relaxation, assisted socially by good company and chemically by Moskovskaya Vodka from Trader Joe’s. Sure it was only $8 for the 750ml bottle. Go ahead and laugh at the fact that the label looks like a rip-off of the Stoli label. (See first picture below.) I did some research on it today and fact is, it’s well received, and owned by the same company that owns Stolichnaya. Ahh, good deals always make me feel good. Ironically, the night was simulataneously extremely sobering, almost more sobering than anything I’ve ever experienced, to see my dear aunt for the first time since her stroke. Seeing her at the party reminded me of the one thing for which I am most grateful this year. Anyway, it goes without saying that alcohol heightens my sense of brotherly love, and I am also grateful for all of the family and friends I have been so lucky to have. Thanks, Tara for the food, and generally to everyone who went, and to those who took care of me when my stomach went. Tamales in the HP for life! (Pictures after the jump.)

thanksgiving revelry
thanksgiving revelry
thanksgiving revelry
thanksgiving revelry
thanksgiving revelry

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marcus said:

Happy Thanksgiving! (albeit, late)

Zaldy said:

happy thanksgiving, i’m coming to the next highland park backyard bash!


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