Who ordered the scrambled brains?

"Creamy. Indulgent. Chewy."

Ruff Day; My Dogs Are Barking

My aunt’s in the hospital, I got no sleep last night because I was writing this fluff piece, and then I found out I lost six pounds some time in the last four months - which I have been trying to do by limiting my caloric intake. Next step: more exercise, be it tennis, swimming, joining a gym, or utilizing UCLA’s. With the midterm done, I can focus on my first software project as an independent contractor - POW! Sounds good, doe’n't it? …I hope my aunt’s gonna be OK. God.

Note: Updated the about page.

Update 1: My aunt’s recovering and her prognosis is very good.

Update 2: Take it back, she’s not doing so well after all. (5 Sep 05 17:23)

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