Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Filling readers with glee and indignation since 2005.

Four down, none to go.

Pick a few adjectives. Four adjectives. Make them spicy. Now write them down here.

  1. ________________
  2. ________________
  3. ________________
  4. ________________

Good. I hope you didn’t use permanent marker. We’ll come back to those later.

Done with finals, and apparently I survived another quarter. That’s four in a row, baby! (Grumble.) Nineteen units, but you’d never guess from the amount of work I did. Started practically each assignment at the last possible moment. Let’s take a class by class look at this shall we?

  • History 2B: Social Knowledge and Social Power - Probably the most interesting class I took this quarter. It was all about post-modernism - illuminating and questioning the tacit assumptions that we make that effect our perception of reality. Basically came down to the idea that all knowledge is contingent on cultural assumptions. I’m not sure how this doesn’t necessitate nihilism. Anyway, I barely did any of the reading, which, as usual, is regrettable. The class was graded on cake assignments and participation. Since I never read, I didn’t get those participation points. I also despised a lot of my egotistical classmates. But then again I despise a lot of people. Don’t worry, I’m working on that. Anyway, it was unfortunate that the class was taught really unorthodoxically; the professor gave free-form lectures that attempted, with limited success, to exemplify post-modernist principles from her research experience. Blah. Expect: A.
  • Sociology 185: American Society - This class was a drag. The professor was nice enough, but all he ever did was through up (throw up?) slides of bar graphs. We took a couple of multiple choice quizzes and a essay exam, and did two research projects - in which we had to construct and analyze bar graphs. Talk about obsessed! Anyway, didn’t read any of the five texts. Grade expected: A.
  • Sociology 101: Development of Sociological Thought - Man! Talk about embarrrassment, and about irresponsibility, and about being a bad student - and about being stupid! I missed the final for this class. I thought it was on Wednesday (tomorrow), but Monday (yesterday) evening, I found out it was on Monday (yesterday morning). Luckily, the spiteful hate-mongers that are the mystic gods of UCLA spared me and forced my professor to allow me to make it up today. Phew! Did I deserve that? You tell me. I didn’t read any of the four texts (by Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and Freud)… but I did read the SparkNotes and ClassicNotes. So how do I think I did? C… Maybe B. GPA shmee-P-A.
  • Linguistics 20: Introduction to linguistics-something-or-other - This one was a lock from the start. I took Ling 1 last quarter and this basically rehashed all of that, delving ever so slightly deeper. Did no reading. Did assignments during class on the due date. Expect A.

So I expect decent grades. Do I deserve them? Looking around at my peers I must pronounce - exclaim - shout, “Yes!” But looking at myself… Well… Argh! It makes my brains scramble!

So have you ever noticed that cranberry juice has that little something special? It’s got something that just makes you … squirm with delight. The smell of cranberry juice has a - some might say auspicious - quality of resembling vomit. Especially when spilled in your car and baked by the sun, chilled by the night, baked, chilled, baked, chilled, baked, and finally chilled. Baked, chilled vomit. Now go have a snack.

Speaking of snacks, the last couple weeks I’ve really fallen into eating garbage. I’ve become a human garbage processor. Or a garbage processing unit, a GPU. So as soon as I finished my last finals, I finished by garbage-processing ways. Anyway, I’ve got five days to shape up, slim down, and workout. (Hehe, I just made that up. Thank you.) In five days, I’m going with a couple of my cousins, and perchance my dear brother, to ___adjective_1___, ___adjective_2___ Laughlin, Nevada! Where we will engage in ___adjective_3___ activities, including watching TV, sitting perfectly still with our eyes closed, and water-skiing! So I need to make sure I’m fit and trim by then. We’re gonna have a ___adjective_4___ time!

That was fun, no? It was my homage to Mad-Libs. A little interactive and what not. SINCE NO ONE POSTS COMMENTS. Except my dad. Thanks, dad. Everyone else, that’s who “Tom (FOB)” is. (That’s “Father of Blogger”, not “Fatal Olfactory Bomb”.) And to him I credit the following image. Talk to ya’ll later.

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.

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