Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Memoirs of a Pilipino-Irishman

New site layout!

Yay, new layout! I was never really too pleased with the other one; since it was basically the default theme with a different header graphic. So I finally hunkered down and tackled the project of a new layout. I thought it would take half a day given all that’s involved: figuring out how wordpress pages are organized, deciphering the current layout, and designing and implementing a new one. It actually only took about 2 hours to put together, about half of which was spent prepping the chair and table graphic. As you can see, I was going for simplicity, and a color-driven layout. The picture is an accent, an afterthought, to the concentrated effect of the large blocks of color. Maybe bright green and light green do not provide enough contrast, and symbolize tranquility and even laziness of thought. Or they carry the political symbols of the color green: environmentalism, progressiveness, responsibility. Or money. I just like the color green, really. And it reminds me of the beauty of two island nations: the hills of Ireland, and the canopies of the Philippines.

I was gonna zip it and provide a link for those who wish to use or modify this layout, but I will no doubt be tweaking the layout periodically. So email me if you’re interested. Any comments or suggestions about it?

Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates, and make sure to check out my community opinion social networking project, Blocvox.


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Tom (FOB) said:

Nice work on the updated layout and a very good choice of colors. If you’re open for suggestions I think a darker green, across the top, would look good.
I also noticed a scarcity of comments to your postings (six to-date?). That might make the few that you get all the more meaningful and perchance make you inclined to act on a suggestion or two?

Mike said:

Thanks for the suggestion; after careful consideration I regretfully pass. For the time being, as evidenced by my ridiculously bright colored shoes, I’ve taken a liking to ridiculously bright colors. I originally wanted a brighter green. Nonetheless, I tried out some different darker greens and they just failed to give my eyes the retina-burning kick they were looking for.


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