Who ordered the scrambled brains?

Documenting the only time in his life in which he has the time to document his life.

Archive for September, 2011

about to watch the last ep of mad men on netflix, bringing a three week spree to a bittersweet end.

wondering what exactly is the HTML Javascript + Internet Explorer sta ck under Desktop Apps, bc web app ≠ desktop app.

"Blend for HTML Interactive Mode enables users to freeze any state reached for subsequent editing" seriously want this!

gotta admit… #win8 is looking pretty nice (or nicely pretty). wonder when they’ll change the name from "windows OS" to "metro OS"? ;-)

hrm, #wpf conspicuously absent from windows 8 supported-technology diagram at #bldwin keynote…

the most consistent thing at #bldwin keynote is the flub rate. *cringe!*

Conclusion: unlike gaming consoles, gamepads cannot be emulated on mobile devices. I see an old DS in my future.

the only thing astronomical about certain episodes of ST:TNG is the cheese factor! (still love it) :D

task scheduler security context + corporate proxies = 4 hours of mindnumbing insanity. but i discovered the magic incantation for success! :$

Wait, RavenDB is open source? And they still charge $600/instance license?